under a rainbow

under a rainbow
first run of FEC715 in Hertwig colors 9-10-2013

FEC101 Sep 30, 2013

ECH and Jim on 103 and 720, 713 with all IM AND Azalea and St Augustine shining in the afternoon sun.
EoT past MP216 at 5:26PM.

FEC101 Sep 30, 2013 vid link:

ECH and Jim by mp214 @5:18 w/103, 2 Hertwigs(720 & 713), lots of UPS, one Italia, 4 FEC blue containers and of course the 2 business cars bringing up the rear.  Saw no Ashley but I did get a S & H!!!!!!!
Waving my white towel over my head with the reacher so I know they can see me.  Thanks ECH and Jim for making my day!!
Anita caboose